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How to Sell

Instead of chucking your children’s clothing down the chute, let us help you find them a second home.
Bonus: Earn some money and save the earth.

Step 1: Fill up the seller’s form below. Kindly ensure that the items you wish to sell are in our brand list, free of stains, tears, fading, and pilling, and have their original brand and care labels attached.

Step 2: We will get in touch with you. If you have 8 or more items to sell, we will pick them up for free.

If you have fewer than 8 items, please mail them to PreLouLou, 15 Shaw Road, #02-02 Singapore 367953. You may also drop off any number of items at this address on weekdays, 9am-5pm.

Step 3: We email you a confirmation of accepted items, and photograph, price and list them on the site within 14 working days of receiving them. 

Step 4: If your item is sold, we credit 50% of the selling price to you within 28 working days of the item being shipped (and not returned). Hooray!

See our FAQs for more details on selling with us.







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